Monday, February 16, 2009

Hapus Aja, Susah-susah Amat

Maaf teman-teman, sepertinya postingan saya sebelumnya tidak membawa manfaat (buat diri saya lho).

Duh, jadi kangen sama Sari. Kangen juga sama Uum, my lovely cousin (she just sent me SMS, by the way).

They always see my writing in the bigger context, beyond words. And the most important is, the advantage of it (if there's any).

They never feel attacked or hurt by my writing. Because they know me. They see me as who I am. Sometimes I use a joke not because the object of the joke is bad but simply that's me. That's the way I show my love to them. And my joke is (sometimes) a cover for something beyond.

So, if my writing's accepted as an attack to someone, i deeply sorry. I didn't mean to.


Sari Viciawati's Blog February 16, 2009 at 11:36 PM  

aku juga minta maaf lu kalo ada kata2 yang salah... baik dalam komunikasi langsung mapupun tak langsung ;)

Nazla February 16, 2009 at 11:55 PM  

huhu, eike lebih banyak lagi dah. pan tau sendiri aku gimana orangnya ;)

Ike Hermawan February 23, 2009 at 8:21 PM  

emang kenape...*bingung....:)
ga pa pa..
keep writing my dear...go Nazla!

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